A quick, simple way to roast a chicken, retaining all the moisture and flavour. Using a lower oven temperature saves energy, too. Serve as part of a Caesar salad, in a wrap or as a roast.
- Meat
- 1.2kg - 1.5kg chicken
- 25g garlic butter
- Zest and juice of 1 lemon
- 1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
- Salt and pepper
1Preheat the oven to 180°C fan assisted / 200°C / Gas Mark 6.
2Place the chicken in the Shallow Casserole. It is a tight fit, and you may have to tie the legs together with string.
3Mix the garlic butter, lemon zest and mixed herbs together. Push the mixture under the skin of the chicken breasts.
4Season the outside of the chicken with salt and pepper.
5Cut the zested lemon in half and place inside the cavity of the chicken.
6Roast the chicken in the oven for 30 minutes, and then put the lid on the casserole. It will push the chicken down, but that is fine.
7Roast the chicken for a further 45 minutes.
8Leave to rest for 15 minutes either in the casserole or wrapped in foil.
Cooks Tip:
The remaining carcass can be used to make a delicious chicken stock by placing it in a Heritage Stoneware Dish with 500ml water, a bay leaf, 4 peppercorns and ½ a peeled onion. Put the lid on and cook in the oven for 1 hour. Strain off the liquid and chill until required.
If the chicken is too large, it can be jointed into two breast joints, two thighs, and two drumsticks, or the joints can be purchased already cooked. In this instance, follow the same steps: put the herb butter under the skin of the breast joints and place the lemon in the casserole. The cooking time will be reduced at step 7 to approximately 25-30 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces. The best way to test if the meat is cooked is either with a meat probe to reach the recommended core temperature of 72°C (note that the recommendation is 82°C in Scotland) or when a skewer is placed in the thickest part of the chicken; the juices should run clear.is placed in the thickest part of the chicken; the juices should run clear.