Make your own French-style sandwich with skinny fries, perfect for picnics. The Café de Paris butter is great to have on hand whenever you serve steak.
- Meat
- 2 x T-bone steaks
- Sea salt
- Freshly ground black pepper
- Olive oil
- Butter to finish
Café de Paris butter
- 2 tsp capers, drained
- 1 small red onion, finely chopped
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- 1 tsp Dijon mustard
- 2 Tbsps. parsley, chopped
- 1 tsp thyme, chopped
- 1 tsp chives, sliced
- 2 Tbsps. Worcester sauce
- 20g Tomato sauce
- 1 tsp paprika
- 250g butter, softened and cube
- Salt and pepper
1To make the Café de Paris butter:
2Add all the ingredients to a food processor and blitz until well combined. Cover a clean work surface with 60cm cling wrap and place the butter on the cling wraps surface. Starting from the bottom, roll the butter up like a sausage keeping it tight as you roll, using the work surface to push down on. Seal the ends of the cling wrap by twisting them. Place the butter in the fridge to set or in the freezer to have Café de Paris butter on hand whenever you serve steak.
3Using a kitchen towel, pat the steak dry and season well with sea salt and black pepper (steak is best cooked at room temperature). To cook the steak, heat the Le Creuset Signature Shallow Grill on a medium heat. Add the olive oil and place the steak fat side down in the pan (this is done to render that fat until it is golden and crispy). Once golden, turn up the heat, cook the steak to your preference (6 minutes on each side), and finish off in the oven at 200°C for your preferred length of time.
4Add a slice of café de Paris butter on your steak just before it is done and place back into the oven under the grill to slightly warm and bubble and melt. Serve with skinny French fries or slice and serve on a toasted and halved baguette with wholegrain mustard, mayonnaise, thinly sliced red onion and fresh watercress for a French-style picnic sandwich.